We got an invitation from a friend who wished to raise some funds for the victims of the Sichuan Earthquake. Hence, we brought our posters, donation boxes and flyers to Jamaica Plains.
There was a slight miscommunication, the friend was a Chinese restaurant owner but the idea was proposed by the owner of his neighbouring pub. Hence, the venue was held in the pub and the pub owner had his own powerpoint slide shows throughout the evening. The powerpoint slides showed many parents holding up the pictures of their child who perish in the earthquake, using the impression that the government is not doing their job or corruption held to shaggy schools. I personally find the powerpoint slides slightly political and the pub as a venue is not really suitable since Tzu Chi does not encourage drinking.
However, I must still appreciate the owner's thoughtfulness and sincere concern for the earthquake victims. He allowed us to collect donation in his pub and donated the admission fee of the first few hours.
There was a slight miscommunication, the friend was a Chinese restaurant owner but the idea was proposed by the owner of his neighbouring pub. Hence, the venue was held in the pub and the pub owner had his own powerpoint slide shows throughout the evening. The powerpoint slides showed many parents holding up the pictures of their child who perish in the earthquake, using the impression that the government is not doing their job or corruption held to shaggy schools. I personally find the powerpoint slides slightly political and the pub as a venue is not really suitable since Tzu Chi does not encourage drinking.
However, I must still appreciate the owner's thoughtfulness and sincere concern for the earthquake victims. He allowed us to collect donation in his pub and donated the admission fee of the first few hours.
It was a fairly boring night in the pub and I feel so out of place, wearing the Tzu Chi uniform. Not much people paid us much attention. I was reminded by Linda SG not to take pictures of guests since this is not a public venue. In the middle of the performance, the pub owner invited all of us on stage to show his appreciation of our work and encourage his guest to contribute. Victoria gave a brief introduction of our work and a short 10 minutes clip explaining Tzu Chi was shown.

We left after 10 pm and I was surprised when the owner passed us some cash. At the bar counter, he managed to encourage his guests to contribute to the victims. It was an exceptional experience.
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