This Sunday, Boston Chinatown had their annual Chinatown Parade and Tzu Chi had our annual Charity Sale along with the parade in Chinatown. Before the actual charity sale, we had a discussion among ourselves what should we sell in our booth. When Tzu Chi first started the annual charity sale in Chinatown, we mainly sell handmade decorations by our very own members. It was very successful and our sales were very good. But recently, due to various reasons, we now concentrate on selling our own Tzu Chi publications, although sales were not as good. Hence, there was the discussion whether to return to the initial successful decoration sales or continue with the present not-as-good Tzu Chi publication sales.
My own personal view is, initially when we first joined the annual Chinatown Parade, the aim should be to introduce Tzu Chi to everybody and hence we sold decorations that were easy to be purchased by all. Now that most Chinese knew about Tzu Chi (we were one of the 4 organizations selected for leading the Boston Sichuan Earthquake fund raising, among the hundred over organizations), our next aim should be to introduce Master's teachings to the public.
我个人的看法是,最初参加唐人街义卖时,目的应该是介绍慈济给整个华社。因此我们用的是方便法,出售大众所爱的福慧装饰品。现在,慈济已经取得华社的认同(波士顿为四川地震赈灾时,慈济是一百多所机构公认的四所领头机构中的一所) ,我们下一步应该是宣导正法,把上人及慈济的法脉介绍出去。

My own personal view is, initially when we first joined the annual Chinatown Parade, the aim should be to introduce Tzu Chi to everybody and hence we sold decorations that were easy to be purchased by all. Now that most Chinese knew about Tzu Chi (we were one of the 4 organizations selected for leading the Boston Sichuan Earthquake fund raising, among the hundred over organizations), our next aim should be to introduce Master's teachings to the public.
我个人的看法是,最初参加唐人街义卖时,目的应该是介绍慈济给整个华社。因此我们用的是方便法,出售大众所爱的福慧装饰品。现在,慈济已经取得华社的认同(波士顿为四川地震赈灾时,慈济是一百多所机构公认的四所领头机构中的一所) ,我们下一步应该是宣导正法,把上人及慈济的法脉介绍出去。
Hence, our Charity Sale concentrated on 3 parts: introducing the concept of having a good thought everyday with our bamboo bank, Tzu Chi publications and non-disposable utensils. Response was good. People like the idea of our bamboo banks and we managed to encourage several public to bring them home.

Tzu Chi publications were slow to warm up. The vegetarian cook-books were fairly popular. There was an elderly who was very interested in Tzu Chi and wanted to find out more. However, due to financial constraints, he bought only a book on "Still Thoughts". But we gave him our Tzu Chi journal and he was very happy. There was another guy from Cambodia. He asked for English publications and we showed him the English version of a book about Master. Without asking for the price or finding out more information about the book, he bought it. I was surprised. My guess was that Tzu Chi must have touched his heart in one way or another in the past.

For our non-disposable utensils, Yi Fang SG's son is the most hardworking, showcasing to everybody the importance and usefulness of using them. He is very successful with elderly as well as young adults.

The whole event ended in the afternoon. I must say that it was very successful in letting people know more about Tzu Chi.
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