Sunday, 29 June 2008

Raising awareness of Central America Flooding at Chinatown 到唐人街为美国中部水灾宣导

I was not planning to attend this event as I had a lunch appointment with friends scheduled earlier. However, I happened to be at South Station that morning, sending off my friend back to New York. By the time I left South Station, it was 10 minutes to 9 am and Tzu Chi volunteers are scheduled to meet at Chinatown at 9 am. Hence, I just hanged around.


At around 9 am, volunteers start appearing. It was a small event and we are just raising awareness and not asking for donation. I took some pictures of our Tzu Chi volunteers giving out flyers and explaining to the public.

I left at around 10 am, when everybody was actively involved and hard at work. Many thanks to our volunteers, especially the Tzu Chi University Tzu Ching who just arrived in Boston recently for attachment but still participated with us.


Friday, 27 June 2008

Blood Donation 捐血

26 Jun 08 is the second time I donated blood. Both the first and second time was carried out in MIT, during a blood donation drive organized by MIT Red Cross. I remembered that both occasions, the medical personal presented asked me at least 30 health questions and there were plenty of tidbits and drinks for donors after the blood donation is completed. I truly admired their professionalism.


During my first blood donation, I had a very interesting experience. I was lying down on the bed and holding a roller in my hand. Donating blood was a fairly boring experience, laying down doing nothing except rolling the roller in my hand to ensure enough blood circulation. Hence, I started chanting sutra. After a while, I feel a sense of calmness coming over me. I feel like I was in a vast open space without any boundaries. It was a wonderful feeling. I knew that I was not sleeping because I can still feel my hand rolling the roller. However, that feeling was very short as I was interrupted by the medical personal and I realized that the chanting of the sutra was not completed.


Another not-so-interesting experience happened after the blood donation. My arm felt sore and my fingertips felt bloated for several days. I guessed my body was still pumping the increased blood flow rate during the donation although that donation was completed. My body must have a long delay response time.


The good news was, during the second donation, my arms no longer feel bloated after the donation. The bad news was I no longer experienced that sense of calmness. What a pity.


Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Sichuan Fund-raising at BCNC 到波士顿华阜社区中心为四川灾民募款

We got an invitation from the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) to raise fund for Sichuan earthquake victims at their center on both 24 and 25 Jun 08. I helped out on Wednesday 25 Jun. We had 2 stations, one outside their medical clinic and another inside their training school.


Response was slow. It was more than a month after the earthquake which happened on 12 May. Most people who wished to donate had already done so. Furthermore, human traffic was limited and we did not have too much of a chance to explain our cause. Nevertheless, we thank BCNC for their kind thoughts and invitation.


There was a bright spot among the 2 days. Inside the training school, one of their staffs noticed that we had English flyers explaining what Tzu Chi are doing. After reading it, she passed us a bunch of notes, explaining that this was cash raised among the staffs many weeks ago. They were looking for the appropriate organization to hand the cash over to. After reading our flyers, she agreed with what we are doing and decided to hand the donation over to Tzu Chi.


I am very sure that it is a decision that she will not regret it.


Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Sichuan Fund-raising at Jamaica Plains 在牙买加平原为四川地震募款

We got an invitation from a friend who wished to raise some funds for the victims of the Sichuan Earthquake. Hence, we brought our posters, donation boxes and flyers to Jamaica Plains.


There was a slight miscommunication, the friend was a Chinese restaurant owner but the idea was proposed by the owner of his neighbouring pub. Hence, the venue was held in the pub and the pub owner had his own powerpoint slide shows throughout the evening. The powerpoint slides showed many parents holding up the pictures of their child who perish in the earthquake, using the impression that the government is not doing their job or corruption held to shaggy schools. I personally find the powerpoint slides slightly political and the pub as a venue is not really suitable since Tzu Chi does not encourage drinking.


However, I must still appreciate the owner's thoughtfulness and sincere concern for the earthquake victims. He allowed us to collect donation in his pub and donated the admission fee of the first few hours.

It was a fairly boring night in the pub and I feel so out of place, wearing the Tzu Chi uniform. Not much people paid us much attention. I was reminded by Linda SG not to take pictures of guests since this is not a public venue. In the middle of the performance, the pub owner invited all of us on stage to show his appreciation of our work and encourage his guest to contribute. Victoria gave a brief introduction of our work and a short 10 minutes clip explaining Tzu Chi was shown.


We left after 10 pm and I was surprised when the owner passed us some cash. At the bar counter, he managed to encourage his guests to contribute to the victims. It was an exceptional experience.


Monday, 23 June 2008

心理干预一场传奇 A miracle in emotional care


I remember that a SB once told us that a member of the Red Cross commented to him that it is very easy to located Tzu Chi volunteers in disaster area, just follow the sounds of singing.

心理干场传 - 磊(作者新明/晚报联合新者)








合早 - 2008622

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Chinatown Parade and Charity Sale 唐人街义卖

This Sunday, Boston Chinatown had their annual Chinatown Parade and Tzu Chi had our annual Charity Sale along with the parade in Chinatown. Before the actual charity sale, we had a discussion among ourselves what should we sell in our booth. When Tzu Chi first started the annual charity sale in Chinatown, we mainly sell handmade decorations by our very own members. It was very successful and our sales were very good. But recently, due to various reasons, we now concentrate on selling our own Tzu Chi publications, although sales were not as good. Hence, there was the discussion whether to return to the initial successful decoration sales or continue with the present not-as-good Tzu Chi publication sales.


My own personal view is, initially when we first joined the annual Chinatown Parade, the aim should be to introduce Tzu Chi to everybody and hence we sold decorations that were easy to be purchased by all. Now that most Chinese knew about Tzu Chi (we were one of the 4 organizations selected for leading the Boston Sichuan Earthquake fund raising, among the hundred over organizations), our next aim should be to introduce Master's teachings to the public.

我个人的看法是,最初参加唐人街义卖时,目的应该是介绍慈济给整个华社。因此我们用的是方便法,出售大众所爱的福慧装饰品。现在,慈济已经取得华社的认同(波士顿为四川地震赈灾时,慈济是一百多所机构公认的四所领头机构中的一所) ,我们下一步应该是宣导正法,把上人及慈济的法脉介绍出去。

Hence, our Charity Sale concentrated on 3 parts: introducing the concept of having a good thought everyday with our bamboo bank, Tzu Chi publications and non-disposable utensils. Response was good. People like the idea of our bamboo banks and we managed to encourage several public to bring them home.


Tzu Chi publications were slow to warm up. The vegetarian cook-books were fairly popular. There was an elderly who was very interested in Tzu Chi and wanted to find out more. However, due to financial constraints, he bought only a book on "Still Thoughts". But we gave him our Tzu Chi journal and he was very happy. There was another guy from Cambodia. He asked for English publications and we showed him the English version of a book about Master. Without asking for the price or finding out more information about the book, he bought it. I was surprised. My guess was that Tzu Chi must have touched his heart in one way or another in the past.


For our non-disposable utensils, Yi Fang SG's son is the most hardworking, showcasing to everybody the importance and usefulness of using them. He is very successful with elderly as well as young adults.


The whole event ended in the afternoon. I must say that it was very successful in letting people know more about Tzu Chi.


Saturday, 21 June 2008

拿出魄力来环保 Using our charisma to advance recycling


Master taught us that there are many ways to encourage people to join us in recycling, as long as we are able to excite their interests.

拿出魄力来 -


次听到古尼(旧商,Karung Guni)用福建洪亮地喊着报纸,她就会把堆在电视机旁的旧报纸搬到家口,了几块钱就喜滋滋地到楼下杂货乳酸奶弟妹喝。



目前只有再循环纸张或旧器是可以拿回一点的。回收报纸的加古尼和购买器的Cash Converter一般不回收塑料瓶、玻璃瓶或罐。如果些也能得到,我相信多家庭主也不会放弃赚钱的机会。











联合早报 - 2008621

菩提心要 - 零八年六月二十日 Puti - 20 Jun 08


Master explains to us why Tzu Chi needs living Bodhisattvas, to guard the doors of hell.

Friday, 20 June 2008

Sign Language Practice 手语共修

This Friday evening, I attended my first and last sign language practice in Boston. It was held at Stone SB and Yi Fang SG place and we were leaning how to perform the sign language of the Amitartha sutra as Tzu Chi New York scheduled a performance at the end of the year.


The practice session was fairly quiet as most of the SG are out of town or on leave. Chiung Wen, Sarah, Dr Zhou and another Tzu Ching were present. Yi Fang SG was the tutor. Stone SB and John hanged around.


This session, we practiced the 4th section of the 1st chapter of the Amitartha sutra. It was tough, as not all the actions are based on the actual words of the sutra but another word that had the same meaning. Most of the time, I was looking at the "script", acting out the actions but singing the wrong words.


But it was also a fun time. Dr Zhou and Stone SB were making all kind of jokes all the time. I was told that last session when Vict SB was present, both of them caused so much laughter that everybody had a great time.


I did not know sign language can be so fun. I always got the impression that it is a very formal practice session where everybody sit down and learn the actions one by one. After the practice session, we had supper, gracefully made by Yi Fang SB and chat for quite a while. In the end, it sort of became a farewell supper for Dr Zhou, who is returning to Tzu Chi Hualian Hospital soon, and me.


From the pictures, it is very clear that we had a great time!


Praying for the deceased 为往生者助念

In the morning before meeting Mr Her, I joined Vickie SG and a few other SGs for a funeral ceremony of one of our Tzu Chi member's family. This is my second time, considering Lisa was the first.


At the family request, we chant the Amitabha sutra, hoping that our prayers can aid the deceased to the pure land. This time, due to time constraint, we need to meet Mr Her, Vickie SG and I left early.


I need to find out more about Amitabha sutra and the idea of the pure land. I am very confused as to how come it is so easy to go to the pure land after you died by just chanting the Amitabha sutra.


谁知盘中餐粒粒能发电 Using waste food to generate electricity


Using waste food to generate electricity is a good way to save the environment. However, we need to have more public awareness that to separate waste food from the rest of the rubbish. But the greater question is, in the present world where there are hungry everywhere, why are people still wasting food?

谁知盘中餐 粒粒能发电
- 蔡慧玲














联合早报 - 2008619