After the blood donation, I joined the Translation Group Discussion. With around 10 members, SG explained to us the challenges facing the Translation Group. Firstly, there are many Tzu Chi events and hence many articles reported. However, they are mostly in Mandarin and not translated into English. Even those translated articles are lagging in publication time. Therefore, it is of no surprise that the English portion of Singapore Tzu Chi magazine is relatively thinner compared to the Chinese counterpart and the English version of our website is not as updated as the Chinese version.
We discussed several ways to address the difficulties our translation group are currently facing, like the translated articles do not flow as well as the original article. It was proposed that if possible, we should attend the events physically and pen out the article in English, instead of translating it from Chinese. We also discussed how to make good use of our monthly group discussion and decided on reading the English version of Master's books.
I shared with everyone what Ji San SB from New York once told me that what his generation managed to achieve was to introduce Tzu Chi to the Chinese in America. It is the task of my generation to spread the faith of Tzu Chi to the Caucasians (English-speaking community). At the same time, I enquired whether we do any presentation translation, which will be useful if we are to introduce Tzu Chi to the English-speaking community. There is no plan for it yet as we are already overloaded.
Finally it is agreed upon that whatever articles that need to be translated will be mass emailed out to all and whoever is available will take up the challenge.

At the end of the discussion, I attend the English Sharing Session. This sharing session is no different from the Chinese sharing session although I am still not used to understanding Buddhism in English. Lastly, I am also surprised at the huge turnout, not realizing that there are many Buddhists who learn Buddhism through the English medium. This further enforced our belief that there is a lot more work to be done in the Translation Group.
We discussed several ways to address the difficulties our translation group are currently facing, like the translated articles do not flow as well as the original article. It was proposed that if possible, we should attend the events physically and pen out the article in English, instead of translating it from Chinese. We also discussed how to make good use of our monthly group discussion and decided on reading the English version of Master's books.
I shared with everyone what Ji San SB from New York once told me that what his generation managed to achieve was to introduce Tzu Chi to the Chinese in America. It is the task of my generation to spread the faith of Tzu Chi to the Caucasians (English-speaking community). At the same time, I enquired whether we do any presentation translation, which will be useful if we are to introduce Tzu Chi to the English-speaking community. There is no plan for it yet as we are already overloaded.
Finally it is agreed upon that whatever articles that need to be translated will be mass emailed out to all and whoever is available will take up the challenge.

At the end of the discussion, I attend the English Sharing Session. This sharing session is no different from the Chinese sharing session although I am still not used to understanding Buddhism in English. Lastly, I am also surprised at the huge turnout, not realizing that there are many Buddhists who learn Buddhism through the English medium. This further enforced our belief that there is a lot more work to be done in the Translation Group.
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