Sunday, 28 September 2008

视讯连线志工早会 Linking up online during Volunteers Discussion


After returning to Singapore, I started attending the Volunteers Discussion with Master every Saturday morning, the only day our Singapore branch connects with Hualian via internet.


I attended this Volunteers Discussion everyday when I was in Hualian and found that it is very useful, giving me the chance to hear volunteers shared their experience and learn from them. At the same time, I understand more about Tzu Chi activities all over the world.


On 6 Sep 08, I woke up and was feeling lazy, telling myself that since I am returning to our branch in the afternoon for blood donation, maybe I can skip the morning Volunteers Discussion with Master. Then another thought told me that since I am already awake and brushing my teeth, I should just attend it. That was a brilliant change of mind,that gave me the chance to listen to such a touching story.


A doctor in Hualian hospital was sharing the experience of treating a patient. He had a hard time diagnosing the cause of the illness, partly because the patient cannot speak due to the illness and the symptoms are inconsistent with the common illness. Eventually, the doctor determined the rare cause and saved the patient life.


The interesting part of the story is, the father of the patient is a benefactor of Tzu Chi.


De Ci shifu often shared with us the story of Tzu Chi. When we first started building the Abode, Master took a bank loan (the first and only time). De Ci shifu was working on the field, growing rice to sell to repay the loan. However, due to inexperience, she overdosed the field with fertilizer and most of the rice plants died and the grains were of very poor quality. This point of time, with an outstanding loan, can be considered a tough time for Tzu Chi, especially when we were just starting operation.


Mr Wang, the father of the patient, stepped in and bought the rest of the remaining poor quality grains at the price of good quality grains.


De Ci shifu remembered this act of kindness deeply. When she happened to saw Mr Wang's son in our hospital, she told the doctor to take good care of him. When she got the news that Mr Wang's son was saved, she is glad that we repaid the act of kindness.


When Master heard the story, her comment was forefathers' kindness can bring good fortunate to their families.


Indeed, if De Ci shifu is unable to raise any money from the sale of the poor quality grains, the bank loan and the fertilizer loan will be a big blockage to our development. I seriously do not know whether it is still possible for Tzu Chi hospital to be standing in Hualian now.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

独居老人关怀日 Elderly Care Day


The Elderly Care Day happened on 21 Sep. I was very busy observing and trying to come up with something to write. Yes, I am tasked to write an article for this event, which I believed will be posted online soon.


When Cui Lian SG asked me to write this article, I decide to give it a try. During the actual day, we had a discussion and when Cui Lian SG asked me what is my first impression of the program after reading through the program sheet, my answer was that there was a lot of dialects involved. This became the topic of my article. Jin Hui SX, who is in-charge of photography, further added that this event is also the graduation topic of our photography class. That became the minor topic.


What happened during the whole event, I do not have a clue. I was listening to the various dialects being used and interviewing the elderly, Tzu Chi volunteers and members of the photograph class. Cui Lian SG introduced me to the various people which may be interesting for me to interview. Jin Hui SX was trying very hard to get the pictures of them for the article as well.


After all the interviews and all the pictures taken by Jin Hui SX, I was at a lost wondering how to link the dialects section with the photography class and how to end the article. I got the introduction during the morning of the event when I observed every Tzu Chi volunteers hard at work.


Monday went by without a clue. I got the draft of the article out but it was mainly penning down the interviews on paper. During Tuesday, at Kwong Wai Shui Hospital, I was taking pictures and movie clips when I realise that camera gave a noise when we push the shutter. That is the link, from sound to dialects.


At the same time, I was looking at Peter SX singing a Hokkien song to a elderly when I realised how to end the article. Everywhere in Kwong Wai Shui, Tzu Chi volunteers were talking to the elderly in dialects and it was after many years before we are finally able to befriend them, talking about their personal life. Without dialects, there is no way you can talk to them.


That is it, dialects is the key into the inner heart of elderly. With that I got my conclusion.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

菩提心要 - 零八年九月二十二日 Puti - 22 Sep 08


A well-known doctor is better than a lousy doctor, but a doctor who good conscience is better than a well-known doctor.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

菩提心要 - 零八年九月十九日 Puti - 19 Sep 08


Include me in doing good deeds; exclude me in evil deeds.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Trip back to Kwang Wai Shui Hospital 返回广惠肇留医院

I returned to Kwang Wai Shui Hospital on 29 Jul 08. Kwang Wai Shui is the place where I first started my charity activities with Tzu Chi.


Many things had changed over the course of a year. Guo Xiang SG is no longer in charge, passing the baton over to Ming Feng SJ. Some of the elderly passed away, some moved, some new faces appeared.


Looking at all the elderly, I recalled all their suffering, the lost of limbs, the lost of mobility, the lost of privacy. They are not speaking or making any sounds but teaching me an important lesson of life.


I realised that I have forgotten how fortunate I am.


Tuesday, 16 September 2008

菩提心要 - 零八年九月十五日 Puti - 15 Sep 08


Celebrating Mid-Autumn festival with TIMA members.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

大爱之夜 Night of Great Love


This event is the first event I managed to get my family members to attend. My grandparents agreed to attend when I explained that it is all about sign language, drama, songs and dances.


The opening was not very well planned. The hall was not ready and everybody was queuing up at the narrow entrance and many elderly (including my grandparents) were complaining that they were tried from all the standing.


What actually happened during our Night of Great Love can be obtained at the link below. I was very surprised when Ji Yu SB told us that Singapore is the only country with Tzu Chi branches but unable to receive Da Ai TV.


Luckily the show was very successful and my grandparents at the end of it were very happy and enjoyed themselves totally. My grandmother was particularly pleased with the smiling Tzu Chi volunteers and their bowing. My grandfather loved the Hokkien songs. Indeed, they shared their experience with my family the very next day.


Hopefully, eventually, they will be part of our Tzu Chi big family.

Friday, 12 September 2008

No killing 不杀生

I remember before going to Hualian, Jiuan SX told me that we are not supposed to kill any living things in the Abode. Personally, I saw a SB in Abode capturing a bug inside Guan Yin Hall and bringing it outside to the garden.


Back in Singapore, I took up this practice and try not to kill any bugs or ants.


There is an occasion where I manage to catch an ant inside my bedroom on a piece of paper and brought it outside to the garden. I told the ant "you are lucky that I have decided not to kill you, do remember your debt to me". Then I realise that my thinking is wrong. I gave the ant a bow and corrected myself "thank you for giving me a chance to perform an act of compassion".


That will be my future thinking with respect to the first precept of Buddhism.

从今以后,我将以这种心态奉行佛门第一戒 。

Thursday, 11 September 2008

垃圾欲望 Rubbish Desires


The first ‘R’ in the 5 ’R’s to save the earth is “Rethink”. Do we really need all these stuffs?

垃圾欲望 –吴庆康




















联合早报 - 2008年9月10日

菩提心要 - 零八年九月十日 Puti - 10 Sep 08


From the moment Master made a vow to build a hospital to the successful completion of Tzu Chi Hospital to the building of Tzu Chi Medical College to its upgrade to Tzu Chi University to encouraging Tzu Chi volunteers to donate their body for medical teaching to the world-first simulated operation theatre, Tzu Chi is without any doubts, the work and sweat of everybody.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

希望小学的希望 Hope from School of Hope


When you see the hardship in life, you will know how fortunate you are and learn to appreciate what happiness you already have. Hopefully you will start to make the world a place filled with happiness.

希望小学的希望 - 林弘谕
















联合早报 - 2008年9月8日

世界粮食计划署发言人保罗里斯利:通货膨胀 粮食救济雪上加霜 World Food Programme speaker Paul Risley: Inflation hurting food aid


Every grains of rice are precious, please curb back on unlimited desires and do not waste food.

世界粮食计划署发言人保罗里斯利:通货膨胀 粮食救济雪上加霜 - 杨全龙




联合国的世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)1960年设立后,向有需要的国家和难民供应粮食。目前,来自80个国家的超过9000万人得依赖世界粮食计划署的援助。




来自美国华盛顿的保罗·里斯利(Paul Risley)两年前加盟世界粮食计划署(简称世粮署)出任亚洲区域传讯顾问兼发言人后,参与世界各地许多的粮食援助计划,包括今年缅甸风灾和朝鲜旱灾的大型援助行动。在这之前,47岁的里斯利也曾参与联合国在利比亚、波斯尼亚的维和行动。










此外,食物价格暴涨创造了新的“城中贫户”(Urban Poor)。里斯利说,住在乡间郊区的贫穷人家如果少了粮食援助,他们还是能通过耕种、乡野觅食等方式生存。不过,城市中的穷人将负担不起粮食,也没有另觅粮食源头的选择。


















世粮署救济的9000万名饥民中,58%是孩童。世粮署的学校粮食计划(School FeedingProgramme)就吸引小孩子到当地学校进食,同时也能受教育。



全球饥饿救助计划(World Hunger Relief Program)




公众现在起到肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)或比萨餐馆(Pizza Hut)用餐时,捐献两元就能获得World Hunger Relief 2008限量版腕带和餐饮促销卷。







联合早报 - 2008年9月8日

Monday, 8 September 2008

Home Visits, Home Visit Meeting, Home Visit Gathering 访视,访视会议,访视联谊

On 21 Aug 08, I joined our north-east zone volunteers for a Home Visit. We were scheduled to meet up with 2 families but the second family was unreachable. The first family is a son living with his elderly mother. The son got a terminal illness which we call "xin-lian". We had a fairly long chat with him, understanding his current health conditions and work prospects. Although his illness is terminal, he can still live a fairly normal life if he take care of himself and take his medicine regularly. The aim purpose of our home visit is to show care and concern, understand his difficulties and in this case, also try to encourage him to upgrade himself by looking for a better job.


Two days later, we had our monthly Home Visit Meeting where all home visits volunteers are suppose to attend for a discussion with our staffs and CEO Ji Yu SB. The first thing that Ji Yu SB told us is, we must encourage every home visit volunteers to attend this meeting. It is only through such meetings that everybody learns and become a better person. During the meeting, we discuss the various cases send to Tzu Chi and after conducting our initial assessment, decide whether to offer or not to offer our help. I learned a lot from this meeting, understand under what circumstances Tzu Chi should offer our help and how to detect whether the family in need are telling the truth.


There is this case where a sister is studying in polytechnic and working part-time in McDonald, supporting her younger sister and herself. She is seeking short-term help till her graduation. All of us agreed that Tzu Chi should offer our help. But Ji Yu SB told us that we are missing the big picture. Yes, Tzu Chi will help, but we need to do more. We need to determine the academic grades of the elder sister and whether she is interested in studies. If she is interested in her studies, what Tzu Chi should do is to offer more of our help by asking her to stop her part-time job in McDonald. Tzu Chi will support her family till she graduate. Ji Yu SB assessment explained what Master had always being worried about: young adults' education.


The day after our Home Visit Meeting is our north-east zone Home Visit Gathering of volunteers to share and learn from each other. It was a simple and short event, lasting from 9.30 am to 12 noon. The main lesson is to learn to be understanding and accumulating among one another, especially home visits can sometime be required out of the blue. We also learned how to draw a family relationship chart using symbols to save time. Next is the importance of learning Master's teaching for home visits. This is to ensure that we can share the correct outlook of life with them. Lastly, we played a simple game where we lead a volunteer who pretend to be blind for a short distance and be lead by in return. The game was to let us experience the hopelessness that our home visit families are facing and the hope that they are placing on us.


I had a discussion with my dad about the home visits. He reminded me that our Community Center Committee is another venue for needy families to seek help. Furthermore there are jobs with salary of $1200 available as the Town Councils are looking for Singaporeans to sweep our housing estate. I had a discussion with Li Shan SJ during our blood donation drive. She told me that when the government pass the cases to Tzu Chi, all government grants had been exhausted. Regarding the $1200 salary jobs, she commented that this is one challenge we are facing, encouraging families to take on higher salary but tougher jobs. In this case, sweeping the estate is even a face-losing job. There are many families who are comfortable with earning a lower salary and receiving help from us. This is a fine line and hence, our initial assessment must be properly done. Furthermore, our cases are always up for review every 3 months.


This goes back to Ji Yu SB encouragement that we need to attend the home visit meeting more often and read up more on Master's teaching. Our aim is not only to help the families in the short term, we want to give them a positive outlook of life and encourage them to walk the correct path of life.


大悲佛教中心佛学班参访慈济 Da Bei Buddhism Center visit Tzu Chi


Students of Da Bei Buddhism Center visited Tzu Chi today to learn more about recycling. I was presented as the 3-in-1 volunteer. The day did not start off with a good note. The camera was not at the place agreed among last Friday as other volunteers used it for yesterday blood donation drive. It took me about 20 minutes before getting hold of the camera.


The room was still empty when I arrived. However the tables and chairs were already nicely arranged. We got for the students our magazine as well as a small pouch containing our recycling pamphlet and Jing Si Aphorisms.


Once again, the article about this event will be uploaded fairly soon and I will include the link. I will write about something different. The day started with an introduction clip showcasing the various natural disasters in the world during every single month of 2007 and what Tzu Chi volunteers had been doing to offer relief. I was moved myself by our volunteers' effort and I heard several sniffing sound throughout the whole 10-minutes clip.


The students are generally shy and not very responsive to the questions asked by Shun Yu SG and You Yi SX. But they do make quite some noise during lunch.


The aim of the visit is to understand recycling and the students had a lot fun at our recycling center. I overheard comments like "so fun", "I want to try" and "so fast over already". The students are the metal recycling area had the most fun, stamping flat aluminium cans.


Lastly, I must thanks all the Tzu Chi volunteers who put in effort to make this visit a successful event. Shun Yu SG who was the speaker for the event was with the students throughout the event and only had her lunch at 1.30 pm after the students left. Lun Qiao SX was there playing all the video clips for students to watch. Fu SG and another SG were in the kitchen packing lunch boxes for students. There were also SJs and SXs leading the students in our sign language performance after the recycling exercise. Lastly, there were the SBs and SGs who explained to the students how recycling are carried out. They even went back to the recycling to finish up the tasks left uncompleted by the students when the time is up.


Indeed, only with out concerted efforts can any Tzu Chi events be successful.

菩提心要 - 零八年九月七日 Puti - 7 Sep 08


If we think hard and observe carefully, there are many places and opportunities to give things a new lease of life.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Translation Group Discussion and English Sharing Session 翻译组讨论会及英语共修

After the blood donation, I joined the Translation Group Discussion. With around 10 members, SG explained to us the challenges facing the Translation Group. Firstly, there are many Tzu Chi events and hence many articles reported. However, they are mostly in Mandarin and not translated into English. Even those translated articles are lagging in publication time. Therefore, it is of no surprise that the English portion of Singapore Tzu Chi magazine is relatively thinner compared to the Chinese counterpart and the English version of our website is not as updated as the Chinese version.


We discussed several ways to address the difficulties our translation group are currently facing, like the translated articles do not flow as well as the original article. It was proposed that if possible, we should attend the events physically and pen out the article in English, instead of translating it from Chinese. We also discussed how to make good use of our monthly group discussion and decided on reading the English version of Master's books.


I shared with everyone what Ji San SB from New York once told me that what his generation managed to achieve was to introduce Tzu Chi to the Chinese in America. It is the task of my generation to spread the faith of Tzu Chi to the Caucasians (English-speaking community). At the same time, I enquired whether we do any presentation translation, which will be useful if we are to introduce Tzu Chi to the English-speaking community. There is no plan for it yet as we are already overloaded.


Finally it is agreed upon that whatever articles that need to be translated will be mass emailed out to all and whoever is available will take up the challenge.


At the end of the discussion, I attend the English Sharing Session. This sharing session is no different from the Chinese sharing session although I am still not used to understanding Buddhism in English. Lastly, I am also surprised at the huge turnout, not realizing that there are many Buddhists who learn Buddhism through the English medium. This further enforced our belief that there is a lot more work to be done in the Translation Group.


捐血活动 Blood donation drive


Tzu Chi conducted a blood donation drive every 3 months, together with Red Cross. This is my third blood donation but my first in Singapore. I found out later that our volunteers actually went to Pasir Ris interchange to encourage the public to come over for blood donation and we got our mini-van ready to ferry them over.


The procedures are fairly similar. Once you reach our office, volunteers will first ask whether you are feeling well today. If you are feeling healthy enough for blood donation, proceed to the second floor to fill in all the forms.


Next, move up to the main hall for admission. The doctor will scan through your application forms before certifying it, unlike the American system where the nurse will ask every single question one by one. This is followed by a blood test for iron level. If your iron level is too low, you are not allowed to donate blood.


Luckily, my iron level is high enough, allowing me to enter the waiting line. After waiting for close to an hour, I found myself sitting on the blood donation chair. I got an injection of pain killer which is not given in America and started to pump my blood out. The whole process last for about 20 minutes.


I was supposed to sit down and rest after the donation, consuming some drinks and biscuits to regain my body fluids. Volunteers will be chatting with the public to introduce Tzu Chi to them. As I got a discussion with the English translation group which I am already late, I grabbed some drinks and ended my first blood donation in Singapore.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Humanity Volunteers' Sharing Session 人文共修

This is my first time attending the Humanity Volunteers' Sharing Session. As the name suggested, only Humanity volunteers can attend this sharing session, which I happen to be as 3-in-1 is part of Humanity.


The characteristic of Humanity Volunteers' Sharing Session is its humanity side. Chairs are not arranged in rows as compared to the other sharing sessions but rather circulating several tables. We had tea and mooncakes for snacks. During the sharing sessions, a SG actually got her sign languages buddies to come on stage and performed for us.

What a surprise!


Monday, 1 September 2008

菩提心要 - 零八年八月三十一日 Puti - 31 Aug 08


Master hopes that Tzu Ching can become the role model of our young and encourage them to join us.

福田志工 Cleaning our Tzu Chi home


During every 5th Sunday of the month, Tzu Chi Volunteers are encouraged to return to Tzu Chi office for spring cleaning. Hence I reported to office at 9 am. There are 2 groups of volunteers, one group cleaning the back of our kitchen and other cleaning the front door. There was not much cleaning to be done because most of the rooms are used for mooncake making and not suitable for cleaning yet.


I was with the group cleaning the grounds around the front door, using strong detergent to clean up the stains on the pavements. However, there are more volunteers than brushes and several of us had nothing to do. Some went to do recycling while I was tasked to mop the dining hall with another 2 volunteers. Cleaning is hard work. But a SG told us before that we are forming good fate with everybody who uses the dining hall and we should take the chance during cleaning to calm down our heart and remove desires.


Cleaning was tough, especially the dinning hall is very oily after all the mooncake making. But everybody enjoyed the workout. After all the cleaning, which was fairly fast this time, we sit around and watch Daai television. Now is the time to start cleaning our soul.