I attended this events as a 3-in-1 volunteer, having not much clue what a "Great Love Mothers" do. But I do know Yi Sheng SX and heard from him that that main task of "Great Love Mothers" is to teach students "Jing Si Aphorisms".

Today is a special event. "Great Love Mothers" have arranged a tea-offering ceremony by the students in celebration of Teachers' Day. The tea-offering ceremony is very common is Tzu Chi schools but hardly performed in Singapore. Due to parents' objection, students are not asked to kneel in front of their teachers when offering tea, but instead replaced by a deep bow.
What happened during the actual events can be view from the link and new report below. One of my pictures was used for the article and I did an English translation of that article which should be out soon.
Hence, I will talk about something else. Tzu Chi volunteers have a particular liking for orderliness. Therefore, it is no surprise to see Yi Sheng SX walking behind the rows of chairs when the teachers will be sitting later for the tea-offering ceremony, ensuring that all the chairs are in a perfect straight line. Master hope that we can use these little details to cultivate a thoughtful heart.
During the tea-offering ceremony, the young teachers did not fully appreciate the meaning behind the ceremony. They seem to be surprised and confused about all the formality. However, I noticed that there are 2 teachers over their fifties who are very touched during the ceremony. I am guessing that it has been a long time since students gave them such high appreciation.
After the tea-offering ceremony, our "Great Love Mothers" lined up behind the hall while the Teachers' Day celebration continued. From all these shadows reminded me of what Master said, when people ask what our name is, we replied "Tzu Chi". Everybody is called "Tzu Chi". There is no name that differentiates you from me. The idea is for the public to recognize the organization rather than individual. At the same time, it is for us to cultivate the sense of tiny, such that we can get rid of the concept of "me".
I have learned an important lesson from the best teacher.
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