This blog emphasis is supposed to be recycling. Hence, an update on what I have been doing. I have been switching off lights in my dorm study lounges and kitchens as well in my lab and classrooms.
Initially, I must say that I do it secretly, like cleaning the lab only on Sat morning when there is nobody and looking through the dustbin in my lab for recyclable bottles late at night when there is nobody. There is really nothing to be ashamed of, but I just do not want to be in the limelight.
But this mindset changes slowly. Once I was cleaning the lab and Arpit saw me doing it. Another time I was sweeping the floor and Eric saw me. Both of them joined me in cleaning the lab. Several nights, I was picking up plastic mineral bottles from the dustbins in my lab to place them in the recyclable bins around MIT and one of my lab-mate Harish saw me. His attitude at first was making a joke out of it and making fun of me. However, it slowly changes to admiration and eventually he gave his empty plastic mineral bottles to me instead of throwing them in the dustbin.
I realize that I should not be doing my recycling efforts secretly, but instead let people see and understand the importance of recycling. Hopeful and under some encouragement, they will join in.
My dentist told me that I had a too stressful life and encourages me to relax and take my mind off study and research before I sleep. Hence, I start to walk around my dorm every night before sleeping: from my floor to the highest (6th) floor, across from the west to east wing, and down to the lowest (basement) floor, back from the east to west wing and up to my floor. While walking around my dorm, I realize that many of the lounges and kitchens lights as well as the kitchen stove fans are left on. Hence, now my nightly task is to switch off all the unnecessary lights while walking around my dorm before I sleep.
In the same fashion, I start to take a walk around building 5, where my lab is located at the 4th floor, every night before I left. Initially I notice that the 4 classrooms at level 2, 1 classroom at level 3 and 1 classroom at level 1 normally left their lights on. Hence I start switching them off. Then I realize that there are also several plastic bottles that are recyclable in the dustbin in the classrooms. Therefore, I start picking them up and tossing them into the recyclable bins. Later I further realize that the cafe beside my lab have tens of plastic bottles that will be recyclable if they are thrown into the recyclable bins instead of the trash bins. Eventually, I adopted building 5 as my recycling work and scanned through all floors nightly for recyclable plastic and papers as well as switching off unused lights.
Sometimes when I look at all the energy wasted every night, it is indeed very saddening. I believe that we need to set up our efforts to education the public the importance of recycling. MIT actually put in quite a bit of efforts into energy conservation. Of course more can be done. Whenever I feel that I am losing steam and need some support, the picture on the right never fail to boost my moral.
Initially, I must say that I do it secretly, like cleaning the lab only on Sat morning when there is nobody and looking through the dustbin in my lab for recyclable bottles late at night when there is nobody. There is really nothing to be ashamed of, but I just do not want to be in the limelight.
But this mindset changes slowly. Once I was cleaning the lab and Arpit saw me doing it. Another time I was sweeping the floor and Eric saw me. Both of them joined me in cleaning the lab. Several nights, I was picking up plastic mineral bottles from the dustbins in my lab to place them in the recyclable bins around MIT and one of my lab-mate Harish saw me. His attitude at first was making a joke out of it and making fun of me. However, it slowly changes to admiration and eventually he gave his empty plastic mineral bottles to me instead of throwing them in the dustbin.
I realize that I should not be doing my recycling efforts secretly, but instead let people see and understand the importance of recycling. Hopeful and under some encouragement, they will join in.
In the same fashion, I start to take a walk around building 5, where my lab is located at the 4th floor, every night before I left. Initially I notice that the 4 classrooms at level 2, 1 classroom at level 3 and 1 classroom at level 1 normally left their lights on. Hence I start switching them off. Then I realize that there are also several plastic bottles that are recyclable in the dustbin in the classrooms. Therefore, I start picking them up and tossing them into the recyclable bins. Later I further realize that the cafe beside my lab have tens of plastic bottles that will be recyclable if they are thrown into the recyclable bins instead of the trash bins. Eventually, I adopted building 5 as my recycling work and scanned through all floors nightly for recyclable plastic and papers as well as switching off unused lights.
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