First day of the year, I have decided to set some new goals.
第一,不再吃牛肉。新马两地的佛教徒,都不吃牛肉。在我家,只有我爸,我弟和我吃牛肉;祖父母和我妈已皈依我佛,因此不吃牛肉。因家里供奉观世音大士,所 以肯定不能有牛肉。虽然如此,在新加坡我也极少吃牛肉,除了偶尔吃自助餐或火锅时。在美国,牛肉相对比其他肉类便宜,但我也从不买生牛肉。不过,在麻省理 工,免费食物中经常有牛肉,我为了省却确定是否有牛肉的麻烦,经常一股脑的把免费食物往肚里吞。在马省理工,有一个“牛肉学会”,其目的是鼓励大家吃牛 肉。我为此曾经和一位同学讨论过这“牛肉学会”有没有存在的意义。
Firstly, I have decided to sustain from beef. It is a common practice for Buddhists in
Now, I will put in effort to ensure that I sustain from beef, especially when Master Cheng Yan told us that the process of producing beef has the most carbon dioxide emission compared to other meat. Cows too consumed a lot of grass and water.
Secondly, I will make an effort to follow Tzu Chi Ten Precepts. The First Precept is the most important and I will try my very best. It will be a challenge since I need to keep my room very clean, especially after the bed-bug incident. The Third Precept will be the toughest to follow, for a young guy, but I will try my ultimate best.
Lastly, I must work hard and strive to be Master Cheng Yan's first generation disciple. I started undergoing "probation" (first step in becoming a Tzu Chi member) this year, SG from
Gan En

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